Closing the Gap 2016

The latest release on ATSI health, the Closing the Gap 2016 Prime Ministers Report, has further confirmed what the 2015 report already stated. That the current Closing the Gap campaign is not closing at the rate it should.

Closing the Gap 2016 infant death rates

On track Closing the Gap 2016

This Closing the Gap 2016 report shows the following areas are on track to close the gap:

Not on track Closing the Gap 2016

The Prime Ministers Report Closing the Gap 2016 says the following is not on track (though this does not mean they are not improving):

Solutions for Closing the Gap 2016

Malcolm Turnbull recently addressed parliament re: the Closing the Gap Report 2016. In his address he highlighted the importance of nutrition for health outcomes and very briefly outlined three (3) things to do:

Acknowledge, embrace and celebrate the humanity of ATSI

This is something that the country as a whole does not do well. Since the apology from K. Rudd there has been little done to acknowledge, embrace and celebrate the ATSI people of Australia. One example of which is the date on which we celebrate Australia Day. The 26th January is the date Captain Cook arrived with the first fleet and invaded Australia. ATSI people mourn on this date because it marks a sad day in our countries and ATSI history. Yet we still choose to celebrate what it means to be Australian on that date, and not on the date that we were officially made our own country (1st January 1901).

Nurture hope and optimism

This is hope and optimism within the ATSI people, who largely suffer under the hand of the non-indigenous people of Australia. There are still many who hold negative attitudes towards ATSI people, and many ATSI people feel a sense of hopelessness in regards to change. This is what Malcolm is saying needs to change, but it needs to change first with non-indigenous people providing opportunity and showing that there is hope that the country can change to embrace our ATSI people.

Do things with us not to us

This is one of the foundational action areas of the Ottawa Charter – Strengthening Community Action, but also under-pins the entire system that aims to empower and enable people to have good health. So often in Australia’s history the non-indigenous have done things to the ATSI people. Taken their children, enforced laws around welfare benefits and much more, rather than partnering with the ATSI people to bring about change. If Malcolm can change this, if he can give power back to ATSI people, then change is much more likely and hope and optimism will follow.

So… Closing the Gap 2016 reports may not indicate everything is on track, but things are definitely progressing in the right direction, though there is still PLENTY of work to be done, much of which has to do with social justice.

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