Comparing Sample Answers

One of the best ways for you to learn the difference between an answer in an exam that is worth 6/8 and one worth 8/8 is to compare answers in these bands using the HSC standards package, or, if your teacher or you would like to to have purchased one, the HSC PDHPE Exam Workbooks.

By reading through and comparing sample answers of different levels you can use the marking guide to further inform yourself of what is required in order to achieve those higher marks.

What to look for

When comparing answers look at the following:

  1. The structure of the answers
  2. The use of syllabus terminology
  3. The detail/specifics of the example/s
  4. How well they have linked their answer to the question

Comparing answers from the 2010 HSC PDHPE exam

Band 4/5 Response

From http://arc2.bostes.nsw.edu.au/view/byarea/course/15320/question/769/response/7639

Evaluation of the answer

This answer is going to achieve a 5 or 6 out of 8. Although this answer mentions each of the 5 action areas of the Ottawa Charter, giving each its own paragraph and using the syllabus terminology, the level of detail in each paragraph is lacking. This student needs to spend more time explaining what the action area is and what the benefits of each action area are for cancer prevention (linking with the question) in order to achieve the higher marks.

Band 5/6 Response

From http://arc2.bostes.nsw.edu.au/view/byarea/course/15320/question/769/response/7638

Comparison and evaluation of the answer

When we compare this sample answer to the previous one you can see the same structure for paragraphs and the use of syllabus terminology, but now the detail in each paragraph has stepped up to a higher level and there are statements that link the action areas with the benefits in preventing CVD.

Additional comments about this second example answer is that  the student has broken down the question, noting the BOSTES key word “argue” and what it is that has to be argued, i.e. the “benefits”. They have identified the section of the syllabus to focus on “Ottawa Charter for health promotion” and that they only have to speak about “one” health promotion initiative.

Comparing sample answers is a great way to help refine your writing skills and to help you succeed in HSC PDHPE.

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