Get up and Study

It can be hard to get yourself motivated over the “holidays”, but you need to remember that there are only a few weeks left and then you will have the longest holiday that you will ever have.

So, right now, stop reading this post and go and study!! I know the weather is finally nice and you have just “finished” school, but these last few weeks can make a huge difference to your results.

Mare you still here? Why?! Why are you reading this post and not studying? Are you procrastinating? Maybe you’re not even out of bed yet. This is vita study time. You should be getting up early and studying hard and then having a social break in the afternoon. If you manage to get your study done early, then you will probably also manage to fit in a social life.

Mine of my tips t get you motivated and working these holidays is to get a friend to hold you accountable. Ask them to check in on you each day to see what you have done. If they study PDHPE as well, they could also function as a marker to provide you with feedback on all your practice questions. So, find someone, arrange this with them today, and get off your butt and start studying. Every minute counts!

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