Outline TWO groups most at risk for cardiovascular disease in Australia

The question “Outline TWO groups most at risk for cardiovascular disease in Australia” comes from the 2014 HSC PDHPE exam and is question number 21, worth 3 marks. The term outline, simply means:

Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of

Therefore, you are not required to provide a large amount of information about the two groups most at risk for cardiovascular disease in Australia. However, you do need to make sure that they are TWO of the groups most at risk, and that you sketch in general terms, not just name or list them.

So a sample answer for “Outline TWO groups most at risk for cardiovascular disease in Australia” is below.

Two groups most at risk for cardiovascular disease include: ATSI and socioeconomically disadvantaged people. These two groups have higher rates of CVD when compared to non-indigenous Australians or people with higher socioeconomic status. This is because of the higher prevalence of smoking and obesity within these two groups. For example, ATSI have more than twice the rate of CVD or smoke, and are 1.5 times more likely to be obese.

The answer to the question: “Outline TWO groups most at risk for cardiovascular disease in Australia” written above is not extensive, but is enough to gain all three marks. This answer sketches the groups in general terms and provides a clear example with the ATSI group. Although you could provide a similar example with socioeconomically disadvantaged people, the fact that it is a three mark question means such an example is not required for full marks (though it would not hurt to include if you have the time).

Key things to remember when answering a question such as: “Outline TWO groups most at risk of cardiovascular disease in Australia” are:

Often people think an outline question such as “Outline TWO groups most at risk for cardiovascular disease in Australia” is not difficult, but then only provide a list. If in doubt, provide more, this way you will still get full marks, even if some of the words were not needed.

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