Preventing and treating cancer

This article looks at preventing and treating cancer and is designed to be used as a discussion starter around cancer as a preventable chronic disease that is one of Australia’s priority issues for health. Cancer is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in Australia with a high incidence, particularly across: breast, prostate, colorectal, and skin cancers.[1]

preventing and treating cancer

Our current survival rates are getting better, but given survival means you have lasted 5 years without the same cancer coming back, it is not a great predictor of recurrence. Our current treatments are also a current trend of discussion amongst health professionals around the world because chemotherapy and radiation therapy are known carcinogenic (cause cancer) substances. [2] Thus many health professionals doubt their use to treat cancer, given they are known to cause cancer.

With the release of The China Study [3] and many more scientists using the internet to provide information, many are beginning to turn to nutrition as a way of preventing and treating cancer (Foodmatters.tv and FMTV.com have lots of documentaries and articles on this growing trend and the levels of research behind it, see here). Along with this is the rise of complimentary medicine in Australia.

The standard treatments for cancer in Australia are: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, or surgery. However, there are people who turn to natural or more traditional medicines to treat cancer, or to be used alongside standard treatments.[4]

Personal story

As someone who has had skin cancer surgically removed from my chest, I must say I have been greatly impressed by the level of research behind the use of food and alternative methods to prevent and treat cancer. After I first had my cancer removed I was given a book by a friend called Anticancer. As I read this book I was very impressed by the continual references made to journal articles and larger bodies of research. More recently I have watched the documentary series The Truth About Cancer along with a few other documentaries on FMTV, including Foodmatters.

When it comes to preventing and treating cancer, it would seem there is more out there than early detection and screening programs that are available.

[1] AIHW, Cancer in Briefhttp://www.aihw.gov.au/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=60129550276

[2] American Cancer Society, Known and Probable Human Carcinogenshttp://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/generalinformationaboutcarcinogens/known-and-probable-human-carcinogens

[3] Thomas Campbell and T. Colin Campbell. The China Studyhttp://www.amazon.com/China-Study-Comprehensive-Nutrition-Implications/dp/1932100660

[4] Cancer Council Australia. Complimentary and Alternative Therapieshttp://www.cancer.org.au/about-cancer/treatment/complementary-therapies-and-cancer.html

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