How do biomechanical principles influence movement? is the final critical question for Body in Motion. There is a very clear teacher note for this critical question which states:

Teacher Note: These selected areas of biomechanics should be studied through practical workshops and need only be dealt with in sufficient detail to understand their link to fundamental movement, eg why do you lean forward to accelerate?

This means that you should get plenty of practical lessons for this content, but also that you do not need to know the content in great depth, just understand how they relate and are applied to fundamental movement.

The content for How do biomechanical principles influence movement? requires you to understand the different types of motion, including momentum and acceleration. You also will learn how balance works and what it is, along with briefly covering fluid mechanics. Each of these relates to force, both applied and absorbed forces.

How do biomechanical principles influence movement? has four (4) dot points:

All except one of the learn to’s tell you to apply the biomechanical principle to enhance performance through participation in practical workshops. The only non-apply learn to asks you to describe how principles of fluid mechanics have influenced changes in movement and performance.

This is a lower order thinking verb and the rest is practical. So hopefully you get to have plenty of fun while covering this content.