The skeletal system in Preliminary PDHPE asks you to learn the bones, joints, and movements of these joints. The skeletal system includes: bones, cartilage, and ligaments within the body. For PDHPE is it important for you to develop a solid basis of knowledge of the skeletal system because it serves 6 functions: 

  1. Structure of the body
  2. Allows for movement
  3. Protects vital organs
  4. Produces blood cells (red and white)
  5. Mineral storage (particularly calcium)
  6. Endocrine regulation

Because the skeletal system falls under The Body in Motion, your main focus is on how the skeletal system allows for movement. The key points for understanding this dot point is for you to understand how the skeletal system is connected and how these connections allow the body to move.

For this dot point, you are asked to know the names of the MAJOR bones in the body (not all bones and not in great detail). You will need to learn the synovial joints and how they work to provide different types of movement. Finally, you will develop an understanding of the different types of action. You should seek to connect the types of action to particular types of joints.

For this Preliminary PDHPE dot point the syllabus states:

Students learn about:

Students learn to:

  • identify the location and type of major bones involved in movement, eg long bones articulate at hinge joints for flexion and extension

Practice questions

Describe human gait motion (walking) in terms of the major bones and joints involved in the lower limb and the joint actions used to produce this movement. 6 marks

How does the structure of the synovial joint relate to its function. 5 marks

Identify the name and type of bones in the upper limb. 3 marks