How does the acquisition of skill affect performance? examines how skills are acquired and developed in individuals in order to link the development of the skill with performance. Skill development moves along a continuum from a novice to an expert, through the three stages of skills acquisition.

The speed at which a new skill is developed is dependant on a number of variables. The include personal characteristics such as confidence, ability, and genetics. Some of which an athlete can control, but some cannot. Skill acquisition is also affected by the environment. This includes the type of skill itself, as well as the types of feedback provided and practice method chosen.

Vital to learning a new skill is feedback and assessment of performance in order to identify improvements in performance and success of coaching approaches. Assessment of a skill can be objective or subjective though, and the validity or reliability of a performance measure is crucial in deciding how to respond. All the while the athlete is seeking to demonstrate the characteristics of a skilled performer as they become autonomous in skill execution.

How does the acquisition of skill affect performance? has four (4) dot points: