One of the key reasons for planning a training year is to ensure you are planning to avoid overtraining. Overtraining leads to poor performance and leads to injuries, particularly overuse injuries (At this point it may prove useful to review classifications of injuries: overuse injuries, and overuse injuries in children and young athletes in Sports Medicine).

Overtraining is when an athlete does high intensity training, in high volumes. Often this comes in the athlete training too often and not including enough rest between sessions of high intensity. This affects their recovery and prevents physiological adaptations from occurring. 

Planning to avoid overtraining will help to improve performance as the athlete is able to recover from training sessions, and avoid injury. Athlete’s who suffer from overtraining become fatigued, tired, and lethargic. This feeling becomes to a lack of motivation in the athlete, and can also lead to injury through poor technique and overuse.

Students learn about:

Students learn to:

Past HSC PDHPE Exam Questions (2012-2022)

2012 Question 32

(a) Explain the relationship between planning and the avoidance of overtraining. 8 marks

2015 Question 32

(b) Evaluate the effectiveness of processes used to identify and manage an overtrained athlete. 
12 Marks

2017 Question 30

(a) Explain how athletes can identify and avoid the risks of overtraining. 8 marks

2022 Question 30

(a) (i) Outline TWO characteristics of an overtrained athlete. 3 marks

(ii) Explain TWO strategies that could be implemented to effectively manage an overtrained athlete 5 marks