The use of technology is sport has increased dramatically over the last twenty (20) years. At the elite level training facilities now routinely include: gyms, biomechanic technology, physiological testing, in-door and outdoor facilities and plenty of training equipment. There have been massive advances in the technology of equipment as well. Equipment such as cricket bats have become larger and lighter, with larger “sweet spots”, tennis rackets are lighter and have longer handles, balls have changed from leather to synthetic, GPS devices are used at training and during competition, and much more. 

The HSC PDHPE syllabus though does not want you to focus on the use of technology advances per say, but whether the use of these technologies is fair. They must be considered from an ethical point of view. Technology often has a high cost and is not available to everyone, giving some athletes an advantage not available to others and not based on their abilities or efforts.

Students learn about

Student learn to:

  • describe how technology has been used to improve performance

Past HSC PDHPE Exam Questions (2012-2022)

2013 Question 32

(a) Explain the ethical issues associated with the use of technology in sport. 8 Marks 

2017 Question 30

(b) Discuss the ethical issues associated with the use of technology in sport. 12 marks

2020 Question 31

(a) (i) Outline how equipment advances have been used to improve performance. 3 marks

(ii) Explain how training innovations can improve an athlete’s performance. 5 marks