Taping and bandaging help in the prevention and management of injury. Taping helps reduce the range of motion at a joint. It provides the athlete with a sensation from the tap pulling on the skin, which tells the athlete to reduce the range of motion. Taping also provides support and helps prevent re-injury to an area of weakness. Taping helps to isolate the injury reducing use of the injured area and helping recovery. 

Bandaging on the other hand is used in the immediate treatment of injury. It helps to reduce inflammation, and provides some support to the injured area. It is an aspect of the RICER treatment for soft tissue injuries.

The learn tos require you to learn how to tap ankles, wrists and the thumb, and to evaluate if taping works to prevent or treat injury. This requires you to know points for and against taping and to make a judgment regarding its effectiveness.

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Past HSC PDHPE Exam Questions (2012-2022)

2014 Question 31

(a)  To what extent is taping effective in preventing sports injuries? 8 Marks