Types of training and training methods need to be understood well in order to select and design the appropriate training program for an athlete. Training is what athletes do in order to improve their performance. However, training gains are also specific to the training. Training benefits are specific to the speed of movement, muscles used, types of contractions, intensity and duration of the training.

The basic rule of training is that the body makes specific improvements in response to the stress placed on it. If the stress is that the muscle ran out of glycogen stores then more glycogen is stored. If the stress is that the muscle could not lift the weight again, then hypertrophy occurs to enable the muscle to lift the weight again. This is always the case and so it is important that an athlete uses training types and methods that are most closely related to their sport (specificity). The types of training include: aerobic, anaerobic, flexibility and strength training. 

Students learn about:

  • Types of training and training methods

Students learn to:

  • Assess the relevance of the types of training and training methods for a variety of sports by asking questions such as:
    • which types of training are best suited to different sports?
    • which training method(s) would be most appropriate? Why?
    • how would this training affect performance?

Past HSC PDHPE exam questions  (2012-2022)

2011 Question 24

(a) What type of training is most suitable for each activity listed? 2 Marks

Activity Type of training
Weight lifting  

(b) Describe how different strength-training methods affect an athlete’s performance. 4 Marks

2015 Question 25

How can flexibility improve athletic performance? 3 Marks

2020 Question 24

Explain how TWO flexibility training methods can improve the performance of an athlete in ONE sport. Provide examples to support your answer. 5 marks

2022 Question 21

(a) Outline ONE anaerobic training method that is appropriate for an athlete who is competing in a high intensity, short duration event. Provide an example to support your answer. 3 marks

(b) Describe the effects of regular anaerobic training on an athlete’s performance. Provide an example to support your answer. 4 marks