Planning a Training Year

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When planning a training year it is important to use periodisation in order to structure the year well and ensure the athlete peaks in performance at the right time. Periodisation is the process of breaking the year down into smaller time periods in order to structure the training program effectively.

Periodisation has three main subphases:

  • the macrocycle,
  • mesocycle, and
  • microcycle.

These combine together to create the year-long training year. The training year will often have the three (3) phases of competition, which are used to guide the focus of the training program. The three (3) phases are:

  • pre-season,
  • in-season, and
  • off-season.

Furthermore, the development of a year-long training program will utilise the concepts of peaking and tapering to help ensure the athlete is performing their best when it is required. In addition to this, each sport will have its own specific subphase focusing on the relevant components of fitness.


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Past HSC PDHPE Exam Questions (2012-2022)

2011 Question 30

(a) (ii) Explain why periodisation would be included when planning a training year. 5 Marks

2014 Question 32

(b) Justify how each of the periodisation phases is used when planning a training year. 12 Marks

2019 Question 31

(b) A periodisation chart is being developed for an athlete in a particular sport. Analyse why the athlete’s fitness and skill-specific requirements change during each phase of competition. 12 Marks

2022 Question 30

(b) To what extent should the types of training and training methods vary when planning a training year? Answer this question in relation to ONE sport. 12 marks