12 09, 2016

Outline the post-performance dietary considerations of an endurance athlete

By |2016-09-12T20:12:15+10:00September 12th, 2016|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, How can nutrition and recovery strategies affect performance?, HSC PDHPE, sample answer, Study Tips|Comments Off on Outline the post-performance dietary considerations of an endurance athlete

"Outline the post-performance dietary considerations of an endurance athlete" is question 25 from the 2014 HSC PDHPE exam. "Outline the post-performance dietary considerations of an endurance athlete" is worth 3 marks. The definition for "outline" is provided in the marking criteria for this question. For 3 marks you need to sketch in general terms the [...]

9 08, 2016

Compare the two anaerobic energy systems

By |2016-08-09T19:27:37+10:00August 9th, 2016|Articles, example, Factors Affecting Performance, how does training affect performance?, HSC PDHPE, sample answer, Study Tips|Comments Off on Compare the two anaerobic energy systems

This sample answer for "Compare the two anaerobic energy systems" is for question 27 from the 2014 HSC PDHPE exam. "Compare the two anaerobic energy systems" is worth 5 marks. The marking criteria for compare the two anaerobic energy systems provides a list of things to me included in the answer, but no sample answer. So below I [...]

2 06, 2016

Psychology in different sports

By |2016-05-31T17:31:41+10:00June 2nd, 2016|Articles, example, Factors Affecting Performance, How can psychology affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|Comments Off on Psychology in different sports

The HSC PDHPE syllabus asks you to compare psychology in different sports. This post looks at three (3) all of which slightly old, but still worth considering. Tiger Woods Tiger is arguably the best golfer of all time. In the video below, his coach attributes much of his success to his creativity in visualisation. In his game he [...]

31 05, 2016

Comparing dietary requirements

By |2016-05-30T15:43:27+10:00May 31st, 2016|Articles, example, Factors Affecting Performance, How can nutrition and recovery strategies affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|Comments Off on Comparing dietary requirements

The HSC PDHPE syllabus asks you to compare dietary requirements of different sports. This comparison includes: pre, during and post performance requirements. In order to compare these dietary requirements I am going to refer to Sports Dietitians Australia and their resources. In this comparison we will be comparing dietary requirements for soccer and gymnastics. Soccer [...]

24 05, 2016

The relationship between progressive overload and physiological adaptation

By |2016-05-23T15:35:32+10:00May 24th, 2016|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, how does training affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|Comments Off on The relationship between progressive overload and physiological adaptation

The relationship between progressive overload and physiological adaptation is part of the learn to dot point in Factors Affecting Performance: examine the relationship between the principles of training, physiological adaptations and improved performance Progressive overload is one of the principles of training and is required in training because of physiological adaptations. When an athlete is [...]

17 05, 2016

Nutrition and supplementation

By |2016-05-18T08:14:28+10:00May 17th, 2016|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, How can nutrition and recovery strategies affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|Comments Off on Nutrition and supplementation

Nutrition and supplementation were the subject of a recent presentation I did at the ACHPER Stage 6 conference. Now that I have presented, I wanted to write an article that looked at just one (1) image that I used in my presentation - the sports nutrition pyramid (see above). I came across this image during a [...]

29 03, 2016

The importance of vitamin B for exercise

By |2016-03-28T09:26:26+10:00March 29th, 2016|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, How can nutrition and recovery strategies affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|Comments Off on The importance of vitamin B for exercise

The importance of vitamin B for exercise is very under done in HSC PDHPE textbooks. We have a tendency to focus on Iron, Calcium, and the macro nutrients (Carbohydrate, protein, and fat), but we spend little time looking into the importance of vitamins and minerals. I will post further articles looking at other micro nutrients, [...]

25 03, 2016

Key Word Analyse

By |2022-08-02T05:26:09+10:00March 25th, 2016|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, how does training affect performance?, HSC PDHPE, Key word, Study Tips, writing|Comments Off on Key Word Analyse

Definition The key word analyse is one of the more often used words in HSC PDHPE. Not only is it used to ask questions in exams, but it also guides what you need to be able to do with content in the learn to dot points of the HSC PDHPE syllabus. NESA define analyse Identify [...]

23 03, 2016

Structuring Extended Response

By |2016-03-21T16:49:02+10:00March 23rd, 2016|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, how does training affect performance?, HSC PDHPE, Study Tips, writing|Comments Off on Structuring Extended Response

Structuring extended response answers is very important for those of you seeking to achieve a band 5 or 6. Extended response questions often require 3 or more points to be made, and each point should have its own paragraph each with its own structure. When structuring extended response answers I usually recommend the S.E.A.L. structure. [...]

25 02, 2016

Nutrition After Performance

By |2016-02-24T16:33:53+10:00February 25th, 2016|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, How can nutrition and recovery strategies affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|Comments Off on Nutrition After Performance

This article looks at how nutrition after performance affects recovery and future performances. There are a few key aspects to consider when looking at nutrition after performance and these are: the timing, the type of performance, and the nutrients themselves. The timing There are two phases when nutrition is important post exercise. These are the anabolic phase [...]

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