The fact that regular study improves results in HSC PDHPE is not a surprise. But, what constitutes regular study? How long and how often do you need to study for it to be considered regular study? The answers to these questions vary, so I will provide some general guidelines and highlight what is most important and what is secondary.

Firstly, study is not homework or assessments. Study is revision and self testing, not completing work for a subject. Regular study means regular revision, regular testing of knowledge, regular application, not regular homework completion. The only exception is when your teacher sets revision as homework, in this case it is study.

Secondly, and most importantly for regular study is that you study frequently. When it comes to learning a new skill or developing fitness it is generally recommended that you practice at least 3 times a week. The same is true for study. Regular study improves results when it is done 3 or more times a week. Really the more frequently you study the better it is for your memory.

There is plenty of articles around for how frequently a piece of information needs to be revised for it to become long term, but it can get too complicated when you are covering so much content. So, my advice is to study as regularly as is possible. Some weeks this might be every day, other weeks you might be swamped with assessments and not have time to do it more than once. Regardless, study as often, and as regularly as possible (while maintaining life and sanity).

How long you study is actually secondary. Although 5 minutes is not really allowing you to revise much, the aim is to study as frequently as possible. 5 min is better than nothing, especially if it is going through flashcards or completing a practice question. Really the best length is between 30 and 45 min of study for a subject. You should then have a break, but, you can go back to the same subject again if you like and do 2 study sessions for the day not he same subject. However, I would only do this if you are covering different content.

For further reading on study, click the study tips category in the menu above.