In order to succeed in HSC PDHPE you need to submit work regularly. And the more you submit work and the more frequent it is, the more likely you are to succeed. There are three (3) main ways to submit work frequently:

Submit Drafts

Many students leave completing their assessment tasks to the last week before they are due. But in order to do well in HSC PDHPE I always encourage my students to submit a draft assessment task 2 weeks before it is due. This way I can provide them with feedback before they submit it for actual assessment. During my time teaching, I have had many students take this up, and in my last two (2) HSC PDHPE classes, I had students that would submit 2, 3, or even 4 drafts after feedback, though many teachers will limit how many drafts you can submit and the time of submission.

Submit Summaries

Summaries should be done as you go and take on a very good structure that utilises colour to guide your reading of the content. I frequently get my students to submit their summaries to me. This helps me to guide what they think is important information and also helps me to ensure they are producing quality summaries that are short, and easily navigated. This could even include submitting flashcards as your teacher can help guide you to include the important information and good examples.

Submit Practice Questions

When there are no exams around many students shy away from doing more practice questions. It is important that you regularly complete practice questions. Whether it is 3 marks or 12 marks submitting at least 1 practice question a week can make a huge difference for your final result. You then need to get feedback from your teacher. After receiving feedback, you need to fix the question, until you get 100% for the question.

This is key, you need to submit work frequently in order to succeed in HSC PDHPE. Find a way to maintain your motivation and continue to check in with your greatest resource – your teacher. The more you can submit work frequently, the better your result will be.