7 02, 2017

Do Ice Baths Work?

By |2017-02-07T05:30:36+10:00February 7th, 2017|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, How can nutrition and recovery strategies affect performance?, How is injury rehabilitation managed, HSC PDHPE|Comments Off on Do Ice Baths Work?

This article: Do ice baths work? is written in response to the recent article published in the Telegraph in the UK. This article's title: "Ice baths, treatment of choice for Andy Murray and Mo Farah, do not help post-exercise recovery - new research" seems to claim more than the author of the research and the [...]

23 02, 2016

Supplementation and Performance

By |2016-02-22T06:56:03+10:00February 23rd, 2016|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, How can nutrition and recovery strategies affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|Comments Off on Supplementation and Performance

There are many questions that relate to supplementation and performance with the most obvious being: do they work? The problem that we have in making this assessment comes with the lack of regulation of supplements (much like the lack of regulation around many complementary and alternative health care). The contents of a supplement vary widely [...]

14 12, 2015

4 characteristics of a skilled performer that made Ali the greatest

By |2015-12-12T18:50:47+10:00December 14th, 2015|Articles, example, Factors Affecting Performance, How does the acquisition of skill affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|0 Comments

Muhammad Ali is still the best boxer of all time, displaying beautiful characteristics of a skilled performer. Though Ali is well known for his quotes: Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee I am the greatest! He remains the only 3 time lineal world heavy weight champion and performed is some of the best [...]

19 11, 2015

Characteristics of the learner – Jonah Lomu

By |2015-12-11T20:11:00+10:00November 19th, 2015|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, How does the acquisition of skill affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|0 Comments

Characteristics of the learner is a key component for Factors Affecting Performance in HSC PDHPE. Characteristics of the learner greatly influence skill acquisition and its performance. With the passing of Jonah Lomu, I thought I might look at the characteristics of the learner by analysing Lomu and how they helped him to be arguably the best winger Rugby Union [...]

8 10, 2015

Principles of Training (Aerobic)

By |2015-11-02T12:36:37+10:00October 8th, 2015|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, how does training affect performance?|0 Comments

In HSC PDHPE it is vital to use examples. This post is designed to help HSC PDHPE students apply the principles of training in exams. The principles of training are: progressive overload specificity reversibility variety training thresholds warm up and cool down These principles of training need to be applied to aerobic training and resistance training for [...]

4 10, 2015

Types of Training for rugby league

By |2016-01-16T14:23:30+10:00October 4th, 2015|Articles, how does training affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|0 Comments

Training types and methods vary and are grouped as: aerobic, anaerobic, flexibility, resistance or strength, and  skill training. I thought it would be good to apply training types to the great sport of rugby league, given this is the Grand Final weekend. So what type of training best suits rugby league? Training type The training [...]

8 07, 2015

Energy Systems

By |2015-10-06T02:06:18+10:00July 8th, 2015|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, how does training affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|0 Comments

The three energy systems fall into 2 groups: anaerobic and aerobic. There is 1 aerobic energy system, but 2 anaerobic systems, which are: the alactacid or ATP/PC system and the lactic acid system. It is vital in understanding these systems, that their interrelation is understood. Each energy system produces ATP used to create movement and [...]

8 07, 2015

Aerobic Energy System

By |2015-10-06T02:06:18+10:00July 8th, 2015|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, how does training affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|0 Comments

The aerobic energy system is your diesel-powered semi-trailer. It takes a while to warm up, but once it is going, it goes the distance producing plenty of ATP with great efficiency. This energy system uses fats, carbs, and protein to produce plenty of ATP, but produces them at a slower rate compared to the two [...]

8 07, 2015

Lactic Acid Energy System

By |2015-10-06T02:06:18+10:00July 8th, 2015|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, how does training affect performance?, HSC PDHPE|0 Comments

The lactic acid energy system can be likened to a powerful SUV that emits plenty of smog. This energy system is fast and maintains good power, with limited endurance and a whole lot of waste product that hurts. This system last 1-3min and produces ATP quickly, but uses a lot of carbohydrate (its fuel source) to [...]

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