13 02, 2018

Closing the Gap – 2018 Prime Ministers Report

By |2018-02-13T10:16:23+10:00February 13th, 2018|Articles, Health Priorities in Australia, HSC PDHPE, What actions are needed to address Australia’s health priorities?, What are the priority issues for improving Australia’s health?, What role do health care facilities and services play in achieving better health for all Australians?|Comments Off on Closing the Gap – 2018 Prime Ministers Report

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR9Hkl_y3ho&feature=youtu.beClosing the Gap is the Government funded program aimed to close the gap between health inequities between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. Each year, the Government releases the Prime Ministers report on this program identifying which aspects are on track to achieve the targets in the specified time and which are [...]

6 09, 2016

Explain why individuals, communities and governments should work in partnership on health promotion initiatives. Provide examples.

By |2016-09-06T08:25:24+10:00September 6th, 2016|Articles, example, Health Priorities in Australia, HSC PDHPE, sample answer, Study Tips, What actions are needed to address Australia’s health priorities?|Comments Off on Explain why individuals, communities and governments should work in partnership on health promotion initiatives. Provide examples.

"Explain why individuals, communities and governments should work in partnership on health promotion initiatives. Provide examples." is question 24 in the 2014 HSC PDHPE exam and is worth 8 marks. This question relates directly to Health promotion based on the 5 action areas of the Ottawa Charter and the learn to: The benefits of partnerships [...]

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