30 07, 2019

Study with a Plan

By |2019-07-29T13:03:58+10:00July 30th, 2019|Articles, Flashcards, HSC PDHPE, Questions, Study Tips|Comments Off on Study with a Plan

As you prepare for your HSC PDHPE exam I want to encourage you to make sure you study with a plan. What I mean, is that you plan out your study 2 weeks ahead and that you have a plan for each session of study that you do. First, your plan for the weeks ahead. [...]

23 05, 2019

How to Create a Study Schedule

By |2019-05-23T15:13:09+10:00May 23rd, 2019|Articles, Study Tips|Comments Off on How to Create a Study Schedule

Study schedules are often recommended to HSC PDHPE students, but few are taught how to create a study schedule. It is not good enough to create a study schedule that just has you studying 24/7 with no sleep, no fun, no exercise and no family or friends. A study schedule needs to be created well, [...]

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