30 07, 2019

Study with a Plan

By |2019-07-29T13:03:58+10:00July 30th, 2019|Articles, Flashcards, HSC PDHPE, Questions, Study Tips|Comments Off on Study with a Plan

As you prepare for your HSC PDHPE exam I want to encourage you to make sure you study with a plan. What I mean, is that you plan out your study 2 weeks ahead and that you have a plan for each session of study that you do. First, your plan for the weeks ahead. [...]

29 07, 2019

Improve your writing

By |2019-07-29T12:43:58+10:00July 29th, 2019|Articles, HSC PDHPE, Study Tips, writing|0 Comments

In HSC PDHPE it is vital that you ensure your extended, and even the longer short answer responses are well written and address the question. This article provides a couple of tips to help you improve your writing in exams. Firstly, you should make sure you get straight into the answer. There is no need [...]

23 05, 2019

How to Create a Study Schedule

By |2019-05-23T15:13:09+10:00May 23rd, 2019|Articles, Study Tips|Comments Off on How to Create a Study Schedule

Study schedules are often recommended to HSC PDHPE students, but few are taught how to create a study schedule. It is not good enough to create a study schedule that just has you studying 24/7 with no sleep, no fun, no exercise and no family or friends. A study schedule needs to be created well, [...]

28 03, 2019

Students Learn To

By |2019-03-28T11:02:19+10:00March 28th, 2019|Articles, Health Priorities in Australia, How are priority issues for Australia's health identified?, HSC PDHPE, Study Tips|Comments Off on Students Learn To

Every module/topic in HSC PDHPE has a whole list of dot points under "students learn to". These dot points should be used by you as you prepare for exams. Many students focus on learning the content as they prepare for exams for HSC PDHPE, the "students learn about" dot points and spend little time worrying [...]

12 03, 2019

Put it in a Story

By |2019-03-10T11:14:09+10:00March 12th, 2019|Articles, HSC PDHPE, Study Tips|Comments Off on Put it in a Story

In HSC PDHPE there is lots of information that you need to memorise, one of the best ways to do this is to put it in a story. Storytelling is a long lost art and before the masses learnt to read and write, everything was committed to memory and they often learnt things by putting [...]

28 02, 2019

Study around sleep

By |2019-02-27T08:40:44+10:00February 28th, 2019|Articles, HSC PDHPE, Study Tips|Comments Off on Study around sleep

Did you know that if you study before and after you sleep your retention of information (memory) increases? This does not mean that you should be studying in your bed, your more likely to fall asleep if you are lying down, and your brain will begin to turn off because it knows that is where [...]

30 01, 2019

The 3-in-24 Principle

By |2019-01-30T06:20:36+10:00January 30th, 2019|Articles, Flashcards, HSC PDHPE, Study Tips|0 Comments

The 3-in-24 principle is a study method that enhances your ability to recall information that you just learnt. The basic idea of this principle is that you revise newly learnt content 3 times in 24 hours. If you apply this 3-in-24 principle you will hugely increase your ability to recall information that you just learnt [...]

14 10, 2018

Nutrition for study

By |2018-10-13T22:04:05+10:00October 14th, 2018|Articles, Factors Affecting Performance, How can nutrition and recovery strategies affect performance?, HSC PDHPE, Study Tips|Comments Off on Nutrition for study

Your brain needs nutrition for study. It needs to have the right nutrients in order to be able to function properly, let alone optimally. Just as nutrition is important for performance in sport, nutrition for study is just as important when it comes to learning. Let me give you a few dos and don'ts when [...]

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